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Developmental Characteristics of Nine and Ten Year Olds

As they enter nine students may begin to worry more and engage in deep thoughts.  They want to know why things are the way they are and are beginning to develop a strong sense of justice.  The transition to ten comes with increased joy and pride in accomplishments.  The ability to work in groups and with others gradually improves with time at these ages.  Muscles are beginning to develop and changes in the body may begin to become visible.  They are learning to love to learn, while taking an increased interest in specific content areas and activities.


English Language Arts - Reading

Students are continuing to read to learn. Their understanding of fiction and nonfiction text continues to improve.  Students are reading for pleasure, for understanding and critically in order to gain information.


Curricular Materials and Resources: 
  • Wilson Phonics
  • Wordly Wise
  • Guided Reading and Leveled Library
  • Lucy Calkin’s Units of Study
  • Balanced Literacy Including Reader’s Workshop
  • Literature Circles


  • Analyze and describe characters in a story utilizing character traits
  • Determine the main idea, theme and or central message of a story
  • Use text features to develop an understanding of nonfiction texts
  • Understand the structure of a story though the structures of problem/solution, cause/effect, and comparisons
  • Visualize what the author is telling the reader
  • Predict and infer to show a deeper understanding of the text
  • Identify and understand figurative language
  • Summarize without retelling


English Language Arts - Writing

Students are beginning to master the craft of writing.  They are learning to self-select topics and write from given topics.  They explore a variety of genres including narratives, argumentative pieces and poetry.


Curricular Materials and Resources:
  • Guided Reading and Leveled Library
  • Step Up To Writing
  • Lucy Calkin’s Units of Study
  • Six Traits of Writing
  • Balanced Literacy including Writer’s Workshop


  • Write a cohesive paragraph with a focus on a single topic.
  • Write a multi-paragraph narrative on a single topic.
  • Become proficient at proofreading.
  • Draft writing pieces that include a main idea and details.
  • Include figurative language and dialogue to create richness in writing
  • Draw evidence from texts to support analysis and reflection in written pieces.



Students continue to acquire new math skills while also exploring new topics and enhancing knowledge based on previously taught foundational skills.


Curricular Materials and Resources:
  • Various math manipulatives and tools
  • Simple Solutions
  • McGraw Millhaven Textbook Series
  • Envisions Math Program


  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking
  • Interpret multiplication equations
  • Solve multistep word problems with whole numbers using all four operations
  • Gain familiarity with factors and multiples
  • Generate and analyze patterns
  • Number and Operations
  • Generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers
  • Apply place value understanding to whole digit operations using four different operations
  • Number and Operations - Fractions
  • Extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering
  • Understand decimal notation for fractions and compare decimal fractions
  • Measurement and Data
  • Solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit
  • Represent and interpret data
  • Understand concepts of angles and measure angles
  • Geometry
  • Draw and identify lines and angles
  • Classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles
  • Problem Solving
  • Uses a variety of strategies solve real world problems




Students Will:
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, and Law of Love of the Church
  • Recite the Act of Love, Act of Hope, and Rosary from memory
  • Demonstrate proficiency in locating bible passages
  • Identify and celebrate the liturgical year and corresponding events
  • Interpret and practice the Precepts of the Church
  • Express knowledge and understanding of right and wrong, sin, meaning of conscience, and virtues
  • Support Works of Mercy through actions and words
  • Examine the public ministry of Jesus and some of his miracles
Theme Studies - Social Studies
  • Curricular objectives based upon the College, Career and Civic Life framework developed by the National Council for Social Studies.
  • Principles of the Republic
  • Identify and explain why Missouri has a constitution and why the state makes and enforces laws
  • Identify rights included in the Bill of Rights including freedoms of religion, speech and right to assemble
  • Explain the major purpose of the Constitution and Bill of Rights
  • Principles and Processes of Government Systems
  • Describe how authoritative decisions are made, enforced and interpreted within the state government
  • Identify and explain the functions of the three branches of government at the state level
Missouri, United States and World History
  • Identify and describe the significance of individuals from Missouri to have made major contributions to our state and national heritage
  • Locate and describe settlements in Missouri of people of European and African heritage
  • Outline issues of Missouri statehood
  • Summarize the events in westward expansion and evaluate its impact
  • Sequence and Describe the importance of the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition
  • Economic Concepts and Principles
  • Compare saving and financial investment
  • Explain supply and demand
  • Explain how decisions of households, businesses and governments affect one another
  • Elements of Geographical Study and Analysis
  • Construct and interpret maps
  • Located major cities of Missouri
  • Describe how people are affected and adapt to changes in their environment
  • Compare and analyze different regions of the United States
Theme Studies - Science

Curricular objectives based upon the Next Generation Science Standards and in partnership with Washington University’s MYSCI units of study.  Below are global objectives for each domain.  Units are designed to incorporate additional isolated, specific objectives.

Life Science Domain

How do internal and external structures support the survival, growth and behavior, and reproduction of plants and animals?

Physical Science Domain
  • What is energy and how is it related to motion?
  • What are waves and what are some things they can do?
Earth Science Domain
  • How can water, ice, wind and vegetation change the land?
  • What patterns of Earth’s features can be determined with the use of map?
Engineering and Design
  • Define a simple design solution reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success
  • Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem
  • Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved


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