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A Nationally Recognized No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon School 


The power of our school’s progressive curriculum, visionary leadership, and dedicated faculty are obvious throughout our school campus. While keeping with our goal of providing a challenging academic program that builds upon the strengths of each student, we focus daily on our mission of "growing together in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, participating in Catholic worship, and responding with Christian service to the community." Small class sizes allow for the individualized, goal-oriented instruction so essential to the educational success of our students.

In addition to traditional textbooks, students have school-wide access to computerized math programs, including Accelerated Math and Math Facts in a Flash, and a computerized Accelerated Reader Program. Students use the school’s state-of-the art technology in all subject areas as they create interactive presentations via diverse platforms, build web pages, and perform Internet research. The learning environment is further enhanced by the use of SMART Board interactive whiteboards at all grade levels. At St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School, we believe that technology should not be taught in isolation, and we take every opportunity available to us to incorporate technology into all subject areas and all grade levels. Students have foreign language instruction, as Spanish is taught at all grade levels, kindergarten through eighth grade.

As emphasized in our philosophy, St. Charles Borromeo School Community has a collaborative commitment to Catholic education consisting of parents, staff, students, and parish. Celebration of the sacraments, including Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation, strengthen the students’ commitment to the Catholic faith.


Being a part of the St. Charles Borromeo Parish provides the students with opportunities for community involvement throughout the year. Students learn throughout their years at St. Charles Borromeo School to embrace diversity and celebrate differences, as well as to share their gifts and talents with others. With events such as canned food collections, senior citizen bingo, and nursing home visits, students live out the Catholic values taught school-wide. By presenting students with a well-rounded curriculum, providing for a variety of learning styles, and guiding students in their formation of Catholic values, St. Charles Borromeo Catholic School is excellence in education.

Some of our curricular standards are based on the curriculum of the St. Louis Archdiocese, which can be accessed here:




Saint Charles Borromeo attaches great importance to the spiritual development of each child. Prayers will be shared each morning over the intercom or via a school you-tube channel dependent upon the current school structure. Monday morning prayer services will not take place until a time upon which it is deemed safe and appropriate to assemble in large groups. In addition to morning prayer opportunities for prayer are embedded throughout each school day. Students are led in prayer at the start and end of each school day, before and after meals and at various other times. Special attention is given to sacramental preparation at the second and eight grade levels. Students are invited to grow in their relationship with Christ as they prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.


Students develop critical thinking skills and intellectual curiosity in all of their core content areas. Students will continue to be given opportunities to engage in collaborative learning while applying 21st century skills. They are provided with opportunities to grow in knowledge and genuine understanding while becoming life long learners.




Students will continue to learn how to use various forms of technology and library media tools as a means of gaining information, communicating effectively, and acquiring knowledge. Greater emphasis will also be placed on a deeper understanding of various Google tools and keyboarding skills. Students utilize Chromebook, Google tools, I- pads, smartboards, coding programs, robotic tools and a variety of other digital technology within the context of classroom lessons and during specialized STEM lessons. Students learn how to research and find information on line in safe and appropriate ways.